If you are a leader, manager, or decision maker, you find yourself in a world that is characterized by VUCA – volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. How can you still make great decisions, steer the right actions and reach successful results? In the virtual Masterclass on March 30, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hutzschenreuter, Chair of Strategic and International Management, TUM School of Management, talks about “Strategic flexibility – origins, challenges, and implications”. He is a renowned TUM expert with decades-long knowledge in the area of international management.
After the Masterclass, he will introduce the new certificate program on Strategizing in Turbulent Environments he will lead from September 2022 for the first time at the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning. The part-time program delivers a deep understanding of what it really means to decide and act in a VUCA world. In addition, we also investigate how firms struggling from competition can get to decisions on how to defend and respond to competitors from inside and outside their industry.
There is the chance to extend the program to work on an individual issue with a coaching session. The full course equals 5 ECTS credits and will count as an elective for the Executive MBA Program at the Technical University of Munich.
Welcome & Introduction
Masterclass: “Strategic flexibility – origins, challenges, and implications“ by Prof. Dr. Thomas Hutzschenreuter
Introduction to the new certificate program “Strategizing in Turbulent Environments”
Digital disruption, climate change, pandemics, political instability, to name just a few challenges, are changing the competitive landscape in unforeseen ways. Leaders confronted with a VUCA world are under ever more pressure to find the right responses to cope with these challenges. How can they still make great decisions, steer the right actions and reach successful results?
We are pleased to invite you to join our upcoming Masterclass in which you will get an insight in tackling the above-mentioned challenges.