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Leadership & Learning Digital
Welcome to the Center for Digital Leadership Development
Our mission
The goal of the TUM Center for Digital Leadership Development is to bring together TUMs existing expertise in the fields of leadership research, digitalization, scientific training, media and didactics, thus enabling future-oriented leadership development based on digital technologies.
In order to make managers fit for the challenges of the working world 4.0, continuing education must also break new ground:
Both new training contents and new training formats are needed.
Our Mission statements
Promoting self-learning competence and the ability to reflect
Self-learning competence and the ability to reflect are core competences today in order to keep up with the constant changes in the world of work 4.0. Research has also shown that good leadership development promotes this and combines targeted support of the self-learning process through systematic feedback and guidance for reflection. Accordingly, we believe that this must be a fundamental learning objective of every management development measure.
Provide practice-relevant findings from organizational and leadership research
From our point of view, science has an important task especially in the post-factual age: it offers relevant and reliable findings on questions such as “What promotes innovation? What makes teams effective in times of constant change? What kind of leadership increases employees’ own initiative?” Responsible leadership development is required to incorporate the latest scientific findings in a compact and practice-relevant way.
Creating new learning spaces
Research shows that leadership development should create opportunities to experiment with leadership behaviors, receive rapid feedback and develop leadership skills in a “safe environment”. From our point of view, technologies offer completely new opportunities for participants to experiment and experience: through technologies such as Virtual Reality, participants individually experience a safe environment in a playful way. Apps and social media can combine formal learning in training sessions with informal learning at the workplace and thus support training transfer, for example in the form of digital coaching.
Offer flexible and individualized solutions
The challenges for leaders are becoming more and more individual due to the different industry requirements, the fast innovation cycles and the higher autonomy in work. This should be addressed by effective leadership development through individual feedback and personal development plans and enable a personalized learning experience through technologies such as learning analytics and adaptive teaching/learning environments. Even from a very practical point of view, longer training sessions away from work are often not compatible with everyday working life, which is why digital learning formats that enable just-in-time and on-demand learning at one’s own workplace are becoming central.
Enable leaders as promotors of new technology
In order to be able to act effectively in the working world 4.0, managers must have confidence in the latest technologies and create acceptance for new developments as role models. First and foremost, they must get to know the latest technological developments and gain their own experience with their opportunities (and risks). It is only through personal discussion that managers can form a reflected opinion, open up opportunities for their own work practice and credibly promote digitalization in companies. This can be facilitated by integrating technologies into training measures.
We stand for evidence-based leadership development. Therefore, the starting point for our innovations is the established approach of leadership development by Schmid, Knipfer and Peus (2015), which understands the development of managers as a dynamic process and not as the result of short-term interventions, but unfolding over time. With our approach, we have been supporting and accompanying participants in Executive & Professional Education programs in their development for several years.
- Teaching theories of effective leadership behavior
- Providing practical management tools
- Evidence-based feedback on one’s own leadership behaviour
- Promotion of reflected leadership practice
We are now continuing to address this topic in our expanded team.
Source: Schmid, E., Knipfer, K., & Peus, C. (2015). Wissen alleine reicht nicht. Förderung von Selbst(lern)kompetenzen in der Führungskräfteentwicklung: Executive MBA-Ausbildung an der TUM School of Management. PERSONALFÜHRUNG, 1, 50–57.
Our Partners
TUM Integrative Multimethod Leadership Lab
Our Friends
On, you will find a brand new article in the field of personnel development, team & leadership, and organisational learning once a week. At the moment, the authors discuss the topic of New Work from a psychological perspective.
Get in touch
TUM Center for Digital Leadership Development
Arcisstr. 21
80333 Munich
Visiting address:
Leopoldstr. 139
80804 Munich