IT-Security & Privacy Management

  • English
  • Munich
  • On Campus
  • November
  • 5 days in 1 week
  • 3290 €, Discounts available

Deepen your understanding of the importance of safety and risk management with a special emphasis on the management of IT-related risks. At the same time, you will be strengthening your skills in dealing with cybercrime.

This 5-day course is part of the Executive MBA in Business & IT, however, it can also be booked as an individual Certificate Program. The course consists of a mixture of theory and practice – Professors and researchers from TUM and our partners provide the academic knowledge, which is then enriched with practical insights from the industry side. In addition, group work, discussions and personal development components enhance the learning experience.

The course is offered in the framework of the Executive MBA in Business & IT.


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  • Certificate: IT Security & Privacy Management
  • Target group: Executives in the digital age
  • Duration: 5 days
  • Program Fee: 3,290 €*
  • Discounts: 10% discount for TUM alumni, members of EuroCIO and VOICE e.V. and members or employees of our strategic cooperation partners (see below).
  • Language: English
  • Application process: Please note: You will receive confirmation of whether you are approved to attend the Certificate program approximately 2 weeks prior to the start of the course.
  • Admission Requirements: Participants must hold a Master's entry qualification (i.e. Bachelor’s degree, Diploma, Magister or “Staatsexamen” as well as at least three years of full time professional work experience. Initial leadership experience provides participants with further advantages.
  • Dates: 4 November - 8 November, 2024
  • Location: LRZ in Garching, Munich
  • Format: On campus – Limited number of participants.
  • Assignment: To receive the certificate you will have to pass the assignment of the week. The exam consists of a group presentation during the week and a written assignment after the module. Subject to change.

*Based on our experience, the German tax benefits help many of our participants to self-finance their education as these can be worth of up to 50% of tuition fees and program related travel costs. Please, consult your personal tax advisor for more details. For participants of our programs residing outside Germany this might be applicable, please check the situation with the local tax authorities in your country of residence.


  • The relevance of security & risk management: increasing IT risks that are increasingly harmful for the whole organization.
  • Privacy management: rules, regulations and concepts.
  • Managing IT-risks: analyzing, evaluating and dealing with IT-risks.
  • Aligning enterprise risk management and IT risk management.
  • IT-risk management processes.
  • Dealing with cyber crime.
  • Enhancing security awareness in organizations.


Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar, TUM School of Management

Prof. Dr. Andreas Hein, Universität St.Gallen

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Our participation and cancellation policy can be found here.

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+49 89 289 26751
Nicole Reinhold

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