Patient safety: How to actively shape change

  • German
  • Munich
  • Blended
  • November 2024 - March 2025
  • 9 days in 18 weeks
  • 5850 €

This continuing education program provides you with the tools you need to keep safety in the long-term spotlight while you carry out your work. Both scientists and practitioners teach in this modular program and provide well-founded, application-oriented training. The nine days of attendance focus on the change of perspective needed to deal with safety in the healthcare sector as well as solutions and best practices. Comparisons from the international sphere also inform the course instruction. Successful concepts from human factor training in aviation are presented, transferred to clinically relevant situations and deepened through simulation training. Participants will also acquire methods to actively shape safety, regardless of their job function or the current structure of their organization. The training concludes with the development of solutions that participants can directly apply to their work environments.

The curriculum is based on the WHO curriculum and highlights specific aspects from the 2020 AHRQ report, Making Health Care Safer III.

Have a first look at our flyer here! 

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Why further your education on patient safety?

The Covid19 crisis has made it clear that optimal care for patients and protection of healthcare workers necessitate constant adaptation to emerging risks. This applies in crises, but also in the daily operations of a complex socio-technical system. Greater patient safety requires a change of perspective away from reactive behavior in response to errors, and toward a forward-looking, solution-oriented approach to risks. Continuing education with a focus on this paradigm change makes it possible to realign views and develop behaviors that can help you work more effectively in the future.

The course aims to deal with risks in a forward-looking, solution-oriented manner.

In Focus: The Human Factor

This certificate is based on the systemic understanding of the problem of patient safety in the clinical environment. The teaching units focus in particular on the contributing organizational factors such as safety culture and “the human factor”. Participants learn about successful concepts from the high-security organization of aviation and practice transferring them to clinically relevant situations using case studies from their respective work environments.

Our lecturers are proven scientists, safety specialists from aviation (Lufthansa Flight Safety Department and Lufthansa Aviation Training) or experts with many years of practical implementation experience in patient safety projects in departments, hospitals and hospital operators.

The video is in german language.

Bernd Sibler

Former Minister of State, Member of the Bavarian State Parliament

“I am delighted that the new certificate program “Patient Safety” has been launched by TUM’s Medical Faculty and the Klinikum rechts der Isar in close cooperation with TUM Campus Straubing, the Klinikum St. Elisabeth Straubing and Lufthansa Aviation Training.

Due to the advances made in the digitalization of medicine and the increasingly complex processes involved in treatment, the topic of patient safety is becoming ever more important in our clinics and hospitals. The interdisciplinary partnership of medicine, research and business holds the promise of innovative and dynamic strategies for the responsible handling of risks posed by modern medicine.”


  • Program: Patient safety: How to actively shape change
  • Target Group: Physicians, experienced nursing staff and health scientists. Individuals involved in healthcare safety (e.g., quality and risk managers, future patient safety officers, lawyers, pharmacists, and others)
  • Continuing education points: The certificate can be used to acquire 5 ECTS points, 150 advanced training points at the Bavarian State Medical Association and 20 advanced training points when registering professional carers.

    The certificate fulfills the requirements of the Patient Safety Ordinance (PaSV) Hessen as well as the requirements for risk management according to the quality management guideline (QM-RL) of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) according to § 137 SGB V 2016.

    The certificate is based on the Patient Rights Act (BGB) of 2013 and takes into account the standards ÖNORM 4900 ff. "Risk management for organizations and systems", DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015 and the European standard DIN EN 15224: 2017-05.
  • Program fee: 5,850 € per Person *
  • Locations: Munich, Schwaig (Oberding), Straubing, Online
  • Program Start & Dates: November 2024 - March 2025

    Block 1: 28.-30.11.2024
    Block 2: 16.-18.01.2025
    Block 3: 6.-8.03.2025

    9 days on-site (Munich, Schwaig, Straubing)
  • Format: Part-time, on-site and online (blended learning)
  • Language: German
  • Academic Directors: Prof. Dr. med. Pascal O. Berberat
    Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Haseneder
  • Entry Requirement: Participants should have relevant work experience of at least 2 years.

*Based on our experience, the German tax benefits help many of our participants to self-finance their education as these can be worth of up to 50% of tuition fees and program related travel costs. Please, consult your personal tax advisor for more details. For participants of our programs residing outside Germany this might be applicable, please check the situation with the local tax authorities in your country of residence

Would you like to hear more from Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Hasender on topics like the “human factor”, influence of Covid-19 on the patient safety or useful concepts from aviation for the medical context? Then take a look at the whole interview!  



  • Presentation of the issue
  • Current handling of security
  • Solution-based approaches in different systems
  • Human reliability
  • Interpersonal skills (with simulation training)
  • Transfer to medicine
  • Deepening new perspectives in safety management
  • Get to know established solutions based on best practice examples
  • Developing your own solutions


Citation of scholars and practitioners

  • Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler
    Lehrstuhl für Ergonomie, TU München
  • Prof. Dr. Rainer Haseneder
    Klinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin
    Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München
  • Dr. Angelika Werner
    Stabstelle Qualitäts- und Risikomanagement
    Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Dinkel
    Leitender Psychologe
    Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München
  • Dr. Eva Knipfer
    Klinik und Poliklinik für Vaskuläre und Endovaskuläre Chirurgie
    Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München
  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Weigl
    Professor für Patientensicherheit,
    Direktor des Instituts für Patientensicherheit (IfPS)
    Medizinische Fakultät der Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
  • Johannes Jaklin
    Fachanwalt für Medizinrecht
    Ecclesia Group
  • Dr. Friedemann Gebhardt
    Stabstelle Krankenhaushygiene
    Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München
  • Dr. Christiane Querbach
    Stabstelle Antibiotic Stewardship
    Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München
  • Anita Kellermann
    Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München
  • Dr. Christoph Scheu
    Klinikum St. Elisabeth Straubing, Barmherzige Brüder
  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Jacob
    Klinik für Anästhesiologie, operative Intensivmedizin und Schmerzmedizin
    Klinikum St. Elisabeth Straubing, Barmherzige Brüder
  • Dr. Peter Gaussmann
    Honorarprofessor für Patientensicherheit und Klinisches Risikomanagement – Donau-Universität Krems
    Geschäftsführer  – GRB Gesellschaft für Risiko-Beratung mbH
  • Prof. Dr. Sebastian Goerg
    Professorship for Economics, TU Munich
  • Capt. Manfred Müller
    Ehem. Leiter Flugsicherheitsforschung
    Deutsche Lufthansa AG
  • Dr. Marc Lazarovici Dipl.- Inf.
    Präsident Society for Simulation in Europe
    Institut für Notfallmedizin und Medizinmanagement, LMU Klinikum München
  • Dr. Marcus Rall
    Leitung InPASS Institut für Patientensicherheit & Teamtraining GmbH
  • Capt. Cordula Pflaum
    Ausbildungskapitänin A350 Lufthansa
  • Prof. Dr. Bertil Bouillon
    Lehrstuhl Unfallchirurgie und Orthopädie
    Universität Witten/Herdecke
  • Dr. Katharina Willis
    Innovation Consultant & Research Assistant
    TUM School of Education


This certificate is a joint project of the medical faculty of the TU and the Klinikum rechts der Isar in cooperation with the Klinikum St. Elisabeth Straubing, Lufthansa Aviation Training and GRB Gesellschaft für Risiko-Beratung mbH, Ecclesia Gruppe.

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+49 89 289 28479
Anja Brankovic

Zane Potasa
Program Manager

+49 89 289 26759
Zane Potasa

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