Array ( [0] => July [1] => 2, [2] => 2020 )
2020 -
- Studies
Applying Interdisciplinarity to Business
In today’s guest article in DIE ZEIT, Professors Gunther Friedl and Thomas Hutzschenreuter, discuss the importance of business and its role in becoming more interdisciplinary.
Looking at the current debates surrounding COVID-19 and the proposed move forward strategies, business opinions are not as visible. Virologists, economists and politicians are controlling conversations while business experts have had very little input. It is important to note that business experts have unique insights to assess certain effects on companies and the economy more effectively. While this observation can easily be dismissed as a smaller discrepancy and not as an accurate representation of the relevance of a business perspective in general, first signs of a loss of importance are evident elsewhere as well.
As business looks to take a more domineering position, it needs to become more interdisciplinary while simultaneously strengthening its core principles. Professors Friedl and Hutzschenreuter agree: moving forward, a business perspective does need to be based in business, but with a heavy influence from a variety of other disciplines on topics such as digitization, climate change and medicine, enabling students to gain a firm grasp of the core and experience and practice the importance of interfaces.
Read the original article in DIE ZEIT (in German) here.
Gunther Friedl is Dean of the TUM School of Management and holds the chair for Controlling. Thomas Hutzschenreuter holds the chair for Strategic and International Management and is Vice Dean International Affairs and Alliances at TUM School of Management.
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