Array ( [0] => January [1] => 21, [2] => 2019 )
2019 -
- General
Prof. Dr. Joachim Henkel appointed one of the principal investigators for a pilot project of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
In December 2018, a consortium of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Technical University of Munich (TUM), Dialogic Innovatie & Interactie, and several independent experts was selected by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission to carry out a pilot project for essentiality checks of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs).
More and more everyday devices rely on technical standards, such as many wireless standards. Many such standards include patented technology, and any party wishing to implement a standard needs to seek a license for the associated SEPs. While over 250,000 patents have already been disclosed by their owner to be potentially essential to one or more technical standards, it is often very difficult for stakeholders to determine which patents are actually required. This pilot study explores ways to analyze essentiality of SEPs on a larger scale, thus creating more transparency in the market and facilitating a smoother licensing negotiation process for such patents. The outcome of the project is important to small and medium-sized enterprises and large companies alike.
Prof. Dr. Joachim Henkel, who holds the Schöller Chair for Technology and Innovation Management at TUM School of Management, is one of the principal investigators. He joined TUM School of Management in 2004 as a full professor of technology and innovation management. In his research, Joachim Henkel studies how firms balance open and proprietary approaches in their efforts to profit from innovation. Specifically, his topics comprise open innovation, user innovation, markets for technology, modularity, patent management, patent infringements, and profiting from innovation. His work has been published, among others, in Harvard Business Review, Rand Journal of Economics, Research Policy, and Strategic Management Journal.
Image: Eckert & Heddergott/TUM
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