Array ( [0] => January [1] => 31, [2] => 2020 )
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Save the date – “Tag der Fakultät” on November 20, 2020
Graduation Ceremony on November 20, 2020 for graduates of Master’s, Bachelor’s degrees and graduates of Executive Education programs
The last exams were taken, the thesis is handed in – an important milestone is reached when the studies come to an end. To celebrate this crucial step in our student’s lives, TUM School of Management organizes the graduation ceremony “Tag der Fakultät”.
This year, this special event will take place for the first time in the Philharmonie at the Gasteig. The size of this unique location makes it possible for all graduates to experience this important day together, which is why this will be the only date in 2020 for “Tag der Fakultät”.
In order to receive an invitation to participate in the ceremony, the following requirement have to be fulfilled:
1) all grades (final thesis included) have to be validated until October 30, 2020.
Invitations for the ceremony will be send out in September 2020. Only graduates who receive an official invitation will be granted access to the ceremony. Graduates who do not fulfill the requirement 1) will be invited to the graduation ceremony next year.
Please note that unfortunately no exceptions can be granted in that matter. Thus please refrain from additional requests.
For further questions, please refer to
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