Array ( [0] => November [1] => 29, [2] => 2021 )
2021 -
- Certificate Programs
Minister of Agriculture Kaniber as guest: Ceremonial awarding of certificates in the first “TUM.wood – Building with Wood” course
Michaela Kaniber, Bavarian State Minister of Food, Agriculture and Forestry, together with Gerhard Kramer, Vice President of the Technical University of Munich, awarded the first certificates of the continuing education program “TUM.wood – building with wood”. The participants of the course were farewelled with a solemn ceremony in Munich. The innovative program was carried out for the first time at the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning: In several modules, the experts of the Technical University of Munich provided the latest ecological, economic, technical and architectural expertise in modern timber construction – for a sustainable future of construction.
In times of climate change, building with wood is of particular importance: In her speech to the participants of the program and the professors present, Minister of State Michaela Kaniber emphasized that timber construction helps to contribute to the permanent storage of CO2. Experts play an important role in being able to confront climate change in the construction industry: “We need professional expertise and thought leaders – we are dependent on excellent research and teaching more than ever, and just as important are decision-makers who put the knowledge into practice,” said the minister. The State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry had supported the part-time continuing education program at the Technical University of Munich with start-up financing.
“TUM.wood”: Eleven professorships at TUM are behind the part-time certificate
The certificate program for experts from architecture, construction and real estate as well as the public sector was created by “TUM.wood”. The research network of eleven professorships at the Technical University of Munich combines competencies from research, forestry and wood industry, architecture and construction practice – so in the certificate program under the direction of Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Architekt BDA Stephan Birk and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winter, it has been possible to combine the latest findings from science with current practical challenges and to respond directly to the needs of the participants.
Gerhard Kramer, Vice President for Research and Innovation at the Technical University of Munich, also emphasized the relevance of the connection between science and practice in his welcoming speech: “We have deliberately decided to offer a part-time certificate program to promote expert development. All those present in the hall are immediately actively driving forward the sustainable transformation of the construction industry and shaping the future of all of us – for this I would like to thank you all very much.“
Continuing education in timber construction for sustainable transformation of the construction industry
The awarding of the certificates for the successful completion of the program was preceded by a discussion of the participants with professors of the program. Under the guiding theme “Quo vadis Holzbau?“ the participants talked about how timber construction can be further promoted, and what role science, companies and state institutions can play in this.
According to the participants, prejudices against timber construction often include ignorance of new processes and advantages of modern construction with wood, as well as the fear that additional costs will arise. Sandra Schuster and Prof. Stephan Birk invited the participants as multipliers to overcome these prejudices through targeted excursions and factory tours of local companies. Not only individual lighthouse projects funded by the state are important, but also a nationwide implementation of timber construction in state-funded and municipal as well as private construction projects. “We can now continue to create this awareness of timber construction together,” said Schuster and Birk.
Further information on the program “TUM.wood – building with wood“ can be found here. Dates for new implementations of the program in 2022 are already being planned.
Image source: Pia Regnet/Stmelf