Array ( [0] => May [1] => 11, [2] => 2021 )
2021 -
- Claudia Peus
Claudia Peus part of Wertekommission campaign „Werte zeigen Gesicht“
At the beginning of May, the Wertekommission – Initiative Werte Bewusste Führung e.V. launched the “Werte zeigen Gesicht” (Values Show Face) campaign. Over a period of five months, 36 people from academia and business, the media and nonprofit organizations will draw attention to the importance of values in business and society.
The campaign kicks off with a statement from Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus, member of the Board of Trustees of the Wertekommission, Vice President for Talent Management and Diversity at TU Munich, and Founding Director of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning. Claudia Peus emphasizes the relevance of a continuous, even lifelong preoccupation with one’s own values as a maxim for action: “We need values as our compass. Becoming aware of them and acting on them requires self-reflection – throughout our whole lives.”
Values as a compass
With their statements, the participants show that success and values are not opposites, but that living values in turn create value in our business world and society. At the same time, the participants give values a face through their statements, which consist of a short quote and an explanatory text. In each case, a reference is made to the six most important values that the Values Commission asks executives in German business about each year as part of its executive survey, in the latest edition trust, responsibility, respect, integrity, sustainability and courage.
The campaign motive with Claudia Peus’ statement is the first of more than 30 statements about the importance of values (Source: Wertekommission e.V.).
Values need role models
“The Wertekommission’s campaign is designed to help ensure that the many landmark decisions affecting our future are made responsibly and with values in mind,” says Daniela Bechtold-Schwabe, an entrepreneur and member of the Values Commission’s board of directors. “A free society does not function without values. In this context, people who are in positions of responsibility have an outstanding role to play. They not only shape our future society, but also significantly shape its values.”
For more information, click here (information in German).