Array ( [0] => January [1] => 29, [2] => 2020 )
2020 -
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Innovative networks for food home delivery
A team of authors, including Prof. Dr. Alexander Hübner from the Straubing Campus of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and three other scientists, was recently awarded the “Outstanding Paper in the 2019 Emerald Literati Awards” by the “International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (IJPDLM)”.
The authors received the certificate at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2019 in Munich from the publisher Emerald for their paper “From Bricks-and-Mortar to Bricks-and-Clicks – Logistics Networks in Omni-Channel Grocery Retailing”. The authors, which include Dr. Johannes Wollenburg, Prof. Dr. Heinrich Kuhn (both from the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) and Prof. Dr. Alexander Trautrims from the University of Nottingham, deal with logistics networks in food sales via online channels.
In Great Britain, for example, eight percent of food sales are already made online, while in Germany the figure is currently around two percent. However, the share is growing rapidly in all European countries. In their explorative study, Prof. Hübner and his colleagues have now turned their attention to the question of how the underlying logistics networks can be designed: How can logistics for the online channel be integrated into the traditional structure of central and regional warehouses for stationary trade? For their study, the scientists interviewed twelve retailers from Europe and developed different network typologies based on the statements. The study shows when it is worthwhile from a business management, logistics or sustainability perspective to integrate warehouse and distribution processes across channels.
Johannes Wollenburg, Alexander Hübner, Heinrich Kuhn, Alexander Trautrims (2018): “From bricks-and-mortar to bricks-and-clicks: Logistics networks in omni-channel grocery retailing”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 48 No. 4, pp. 415-438.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Hübner
Technische Universität München (TUM)
Professur für Supply and Value Chain Management
Tel.: +49 9421 187 245
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